had to quite for a while tired very tired

User Rating: 6.1 | Starship Troopers PC
i had to give it a rest for a while. the creaters of this game had a great idea yet they really do not give you an even break at times and the bait level is a perfect example. ive gotten a lot of great advice and used it all. but i still die it takes long for the game to reload then it does for me to die. so last night i deceided to give it a rest. bored. over and over the same thing can get boring rather fast. ive given it every break. ill be back at this when my brain reboots. i enjoy a good challenge but they really dont give you to many options ....they should have given a small break. one solder next to me had his hands on hips in the bait fight made me so mad i shot him. while hes going (great shooting marauder) rocket right to his face. gd luck to those still trying and ya ho to those that made it. i need to play something i can get a chance at for a while.