Good fun so long as you aren't expecting something Halo-like or next generation graphics.

User Rating: 9.2 | Starship Troopers PC
I don't get what people are saying about this game. Maybe it's because I love Starship Troopers. Okay, let's get the bad stuff out of the way: The graphics. They suck, but with the massive level size and all the bugs, what is there to expect? You could either have a bunch of Starship Troopersy bugs attacking a base (hundreds can appear at a time and there are many different kinds of bugs) or you can have great graphics, and I'd rather have fun than see a pretty picture.

Next, we get the voice acting. The Mobile Infantry buddies you have typically have cheesy voice acting and the squadleader has bad voice acting. There are some good lines, though. The German Psychic Guy's voice acting sucks, but the female dropship pilot who flies you around has good voice acting and Casper Van Dien's voice acting isn't really remarkable. But hey, it's voice acting, who cares. If you think it sucks, you can let the guy talking die. Some of the soldiers do have memorable lines, like "I'm so badass I scare myself" or (while throwing a grenade) "OPPOSABLE THUMBS, BITCH!"

The Music: Not memorable until the end of the game. In a massive battle, the Klendathu drop music starts playing and it can get you pumped!

The other sounds: The bugs roar and squeal can get unnerving, and the explosions and gunshots sound cool.

The Gameplay: Some of the most fun I've ever had. Your allies are pretty good at taking out normal warrior bugs but ith the more advanced guys they may need some help. They will retreat sometimes and in one memorable level backed up to the center of a base while being besieged by bugs. The troopers backed into a wall but kept firing. The men will also use grenades and I don't know where the reviewer got the idea that the soldiers' grenades can hurt you and the other troopers, but they don't. There are also engineers and medics but they just act as soldiers in different uniforms save for a few times where you defend an engineer repairing a power beacon or something. There are lots of guns. The major gun is the one from the movie, the Morita, but it has many different varients, like one has a shotgun for a secondary attack, another has a grenade launcher for a secondary attack, one has a scope, I could go on. There is also a mini-rocket launcher which can launch weak rockets but can launch MANY of them and you can shoot them rapidly! You get to use the nuke launcher from the movie and you also get a normal rocket launcher, (it packs more punch than you'd expect, it's really a mini-nuke!) a shotgun, a railgun, and some other guns including one that doesn't run out of ammo. Also, your allies from the game don't die really gorily except in some scripted events. However, they can get swarmed, blown into the air, and more. In one event a guy gets melted by a Tanker, but in the game when people get swarmed they just fall over dead.

The game takes tips from the movies and the book. The talking grenades from the book are there (sometimes they speak German!) and characters from the book that weren't in the movie are mentioned, like Blackstone.

I guess the gameplay can get a little repetetive but some special objectives keep the game fresh. Plus, what do you expect from Starship Troopers other than massive battles between hapless humans and bugs?

The game should be only $20 now, but when it came out it was $30-35 at most places, so it's got great value!

I'd think you should pick it up if you thought the movies were fun and need to let off steam.