Really Bad game.
But the game hmmmmm well not that great it has nothing to do with the movie.
instead of playing has John rico you play has a spechless marauder.
throught the campaign you do prety much the same thing in every level, kill bugs, kill bugs and kill more bugs yes it has objectives but its prety much all the same its either to find or destroy something.
the game has bad graphics not the worst graphics ever but theyr prety bad the models of the human npcs are terrible they all look the same and they dont even look like humans theyr faces look like some mutant creature that camed back from the dead.
the voice acting is terrible besides allways using the same voice actors with dozens of soldiers they had the briliant idea of making the voice actors talking at the same time.
for example a trooper is talking to you and then a gjuy starts talking to you in the radio and then another woman starts speaking in the radio whell thats 3 people talking at the same time making voice overs each others wich is fustrating and confusing at the same time because you cant understand what theyr saying.
the dificulty is easy in the first levels but in the middle of the game things get really hard since you start getting rushed by 40 to 50 bugs at the same time now thats another problem it seems that most of the bugs prefer to atack you instead of your teammates it gets fustrating when you have arround 30 bugs arround you constantly atacking you and when you try to run away you have no chance because you cant see where your going and there is no place to hide.
the bug models in the other hand are quite impressive they are really detailed and look like the ones from the movie.
the AI is terrebly bad the bugs just rush you and your teammates but thats normal were not talking about the bugs AI were talking about the human AI sometimes i mean all the time when they get rushed by dozens of bugs theyl just stand there shooting at them whaiting for theyr death instead of backing off.
the sounds are bad the guns dont sound has the guns fired in the movie and the weapon details isnt very good.
the only good side of this is prety much when you see hundreds of bugs coming down the hill to atack you.
the game still fails at that point because your frame rate drops drsticly.
overral this game is really really bad no 1 should play it it looks awesome but it isnt.