Im suprised by how many negative reviews this game recieved. Its a decent game well worth playing.

User Rating: 8 | Starship Troopers PC
Firstly, lets get the negative bits out of the way. Bugs. No, not the aliens, but the bugs in the game. I downloaded patches from the website, and it made the game far more enjoyable and with better framerates. If you keep begging for more patches, they'll release em'.
I don't see why people complain about the graphics. Yes, they're a bit outdated so what? They're not as good as Half Life, or Doom 3, but they still look great. We all still know people play counterstike. We all still know people play Doom. We all still know people play starcraft, and all those games can be compared with next-gen Halo 2, Battlefield 1942, Doom 3...yet people still play them. Why?
Because of the gameplay.
I found starship troopers a good game. To be honest, I spent quite a long time playing the game, and its still in my hard drive. The bugs look great, animations are great. Hey, gamespot said graphics were bad. Lets give all the bugs the same quality textures as half life. Goodness gracious. The game needs 100 next-gen computers to run. You run around completing your objectives. Yes it may be linear, but its still so amazing to recreate the battles from the movie. I love playing war games where you are in a battle of epic proportions. Its fun watching the mass of bugs charging to you and a group of troops in a trench returning fire. The AI may be bad, but hey, imaging all the RAM and CPU it needs for calculating all the troop and bug AI! In fact, I was playing the game as I was writing this review.