Why all the hate?
Now, most people seem to have some beef with the scenario...well I have to admit that it is not exactly deep and thoughtful but HEY! these are the Starship Troopers!. And this means bug guts flying everywhere and soldiers getting maimed, vaporized by plasma bugs, picked up by flying bugs....If you are familiar and love the lore of the CGI series: Roughneck Chronicles (and I do!), you are going the absolutely love this game!. You'll feel like Rico and the crew going at it like in the series.
I personnaly I like the game for what it is: a frantic shooting gallery, always wandering what type of bugs are going to show-up next! I love the diversity of the critters and the movie/score pieces inserted in the game. It is not a groundbreaking game but it still deserve some attention. Get it, you will not regret it especially if you liked the Roughneck Chronicles.