Wow the gamespy reviewer was really hard on this game. Did the developer kill his dog or what. If this game came out 2 years ago it would've have been a big hit. However now it's just average, but it's not terrible either. Play the game on medium or hard mode for a good challenge. There are some great missions that you'll remember from the movies ,only wish they would've put in the power armour from the books though. If you are a fan of the books/movies and like 1st person shooters then this is a decent game... no one is on multiplayer though.
I'm going to try and keep this one somewhat concise so I don't end up blathering on for an entire page. And in risk of being booted off of Gamespot for my comments, I have to ask this: Does anyone else feel that, ma... Read Full Review
One of the main points of this game is to give the player a firsthand experience from the perspective of the characters of the movie Starship Troopers, which was definitely acheived. The first level of the game does a go... Read Full Review