it's a just tag and bag shooting game!

User Rating: 7.8 | Starship Troopers PC
When I saw Starship Troopers i didn't know what to expect. But when I got to play it I realized it was designed to do one thing. To torture, kill, and bomb those stupid little creatures! Now the graphics could have been better and the sound problems are easy to fix but over all its just fun if you love blowing the hell out of stuff! Booyah!!!!

Now the storyline wasnt exsactly excellent it had some turn arounds from the movie which was good by the way. But in the overall stand point if a first person shooter fan than you will probablly love this game. Unless your one of those snotty like creeps that wants every little detail to be perfect or you hate it.
Well I have some news... Life isnt fair so get over it! Just be glad your not in the stone age man!