A fun game, which stays true to the movie.

User Rating: 8.3 | Starship Troopers PC
I think the reviewer was wrong and hypocritical. He wanted the game to be similar to the movie, and it is. The cheesiness of the vocal acting parallels the cheese of the movie's acting/script/etc. The wave after wave of bugs that can do no harm to you unless they're right up against you... is the SAME as the movie. The darkness of the game levels... SAME as the movie. The ineptitude of the mobile infantry.. SAME as the movie. The cheesy one-liners of the movie is there too (the general of psy-ops is named "Howser" as in "Doogie Howser"). The rocket launcher doesn't do much damage unless it's aimed at the ground or a larger bug... duh. This isn't Quake. Of COURSE a grenade is going to do little damage if it's buried in dead bodies and debris.

This game came from a small development team, and it does show (some bugs in the game, less than stellar graphics, etc.). But isn't that why I paid less than $50, which is still full retail price?