I will state my personal bias first, I loved the book, and I thought the first movie was an interesting take on that book. That said, speaking from long experience with FPS games, this one falls into the middle of the road. The graphics are not cutting edge, but not terrible. The missions are very 'Serious Sam' in that it's just waves of bugs, and not much else. That's OK with me, I like the bugs and I like SHOOTING the bugs. The only problems that I've experienced were some 'popping' of the sound, minor clipping of the bugs from time to time, and an occasional 'hitch' in the framerate (a one second freeze once in a while). While annoying, those things haven't ruined it for me by any means. It's not a really immersive game like Half Life or Far Cry, it's just run and gun. Since you can buy the game cheaply now, you don't have much to lose. I can't speak to the online experience, since I don't play online much. You, dear reader, will have to find out on your own. I have a 3ghz, 1 gig RAM, 128 meg video gaming machine, and it runs adequately at 1024x768. I'll edit this review if I find anything like a 'fun killer', but on the whole, it is not the piece of s**T that many reviewers say that it is. It stacks up poorly against some of the best games, but if you liked the movie, you'd probably like this game.
I'm going to try and keep this one somewhat concise so I don't end up blathering on for an entire page. And in risk of being booted off of Gamespot for my comments, I have to ask this: Does anyone else feel that, ma... Read Full Review
One of the main points of this game is to give the player a firsthand experience from the perspective of the characters of the movie Starship Troopers, which was definitely acheived. The first level of the game does a go... Read Full Review