A Good bug is a dead bug !!

User Rating: 8.1 | Starship Troopers PC
You know what, I loved this game !

I am a massive fan of the movie “Starship Troopers”, and this game is just like reliving the film.

From the lengthy cut scenes taken directly from the film, to the mindless “destroy anything that moves” feel, it’s just plain fantastic.

I remember when the movie came out at the cinema, it got slated, proper slated.

The game/film seem to have the marmite factor of you love it or hate it, I personally love it.


Loved it, just mindless killing of bugs ! WOW ! Is there any better feeling than being than being sat on a gun turret with hundreds of bugs running at you, and you mowing them down !


I was surprised by the graphics, My gaming machine isn’t that great, but I was still able to run the game at a reasonable resolution and detail setting. It ran pretty sooth as well, even with hordes of bugs running at me.


The sound of the bugs, guns and well, anything else seem to be taken from the film, so yeah, I was impressed with these. My only criticism is, that I ran the game at a normal to slightly loud volume, some of the weapons, were a little too loud in comparison to everything else you could here.


Going back to the old Marmite thing, if you’ve a fan of Starship Troopers, you’d have probably paid more for this game, if you don’t like it, well obviously a waste of money.


My guess on this section is, how different was it from other games ?

If I’m wrong, then somebody please message me.

I don’t really think this game has anything new to offer, it’s just a fun game, shoot at bugs until their limbs fall off ! Kinda like an old skool FPS game, not too much thinking and lots and lots of shooting.

Overall, a much enjoyable game, as I’ve said twice before now, you’ll either love it or hate it, I personally loved it !