I hadn't read any reviews of this game when i got it along with a graphics card bundle - had I done so I would not have bothered to even try it. I found it did not install properly and required me to copy some files of the DVD to fix this. Found when I ran it a huge number of problems, from slow downs, graphical bugs to crashes. At one point it managed to make a mess of the desktop upon quiting, not a good sign. I applied the patch pretty quickly and it improved slightly. Still get crashes, some slowdown and many graphics problems. I do understand the problems of game compatibly with so many variations of PC hardware out there, bugs are to be expected and are normally fixed by responsible publishers/game houses after release (Bioware for example). However this games displayed so many problems it sets other buggy games I have in to a new and better light. Given the above I'd have uninstalled the game after the first few problems but for being a fan of the Starship Troopers book and film. I struggled on with it. Graphics are not very good, voice acting is not great (but it's not alone here, even some otherwise good games suffer from this). You do get lots of bugs to kill and I think that had they stuck more to the film/book and sorted out the bugs/problems before release this game had potential (even with the graphics and voice acting) to be good at least. To be honest I can only say avoid this one, it is a shame but really I was only left feeling the game had taken a small part of my life away and I wanted it back!
I'm going to try and keep this one somewhat concise so I don't end up blathering on for an entire page. And in risk of being booted off of Gamespot for my comments, I have to ask this: Does anyone else feel that, ma... Read Full Review
One of the main points of this game is to give the player a firsthand experience from the perspective of the characters of the movie Starship Troopers, which was definitely acheived. The first level of the game does a go... Read Full Review