If you think this is fun, Watch a toilet flush.

User Rating: 2.4 | Starship Troopers PC
So i've bought this game and i'm SO happy i have used my parents money. Why? Would it explain enough if i said it should be at the bottom of a box when you move-out from youre parents basement too your friends basement? Yes, it does. The graphics are "enough" but the gameplay is just wrong
I was at the first mission in some base and those bugs where attacking the base again so i had too defend this guy who would put the energy field back. Now i would think, he would wait for me or/and he goes the smartest way too the battery's. Well it seems i've been a little bit dumb on that because he just run's into 30 other bugs and is like a suicidal maniac.

Not only this above it had stopped me but well... ok its just bad... *end of message* *been eaten by bug*