As ever I seem to come to contradict a Gamespot review about a game. Because Alex Navarro is wrong.
Does anyone else feel that, many times, the reviewers on Gamespot/IGN have gotten to the point where so many treat their reviews/opinions as holy gospel, and in turn have shown rather unforgivable arrogance, and a mean streak in tune with the snobby high school girl who makes or breaks others reputations with a single line of gossip?
Seriously. I own this game, I play this game. And while I can agree that the cut-scenes showing stock footage from the original movie can be annoying, the narrator isn't as bad as he is made out to be.
This game was meant for one thing, blowing the crap out of everything. Mr. Navarro sees 'trite, insipid, and pointless' battles with the bugs, and any -true- fan of Starship Troopers (the movie AND the novel) see an opportunity to look at their friends and say. "I bet I could survive alone better than they can" and then friggan prove it.
Mr. Navarro's complaint on the grenades: Read the novel, particularly the BEGINNING when Juan Rico is on a smash and dash operation against the 'Skinnies'. He has a bomb that counts itself down, in the Skinnie's language.
CLEARLY the people at Strangelight must have read the books, and for those who paid attention to what they read, rather than apparently skimming through the cliff-notes edition, would get the in joke.
Yes the graphics could have been improved, as could the AI. But many people wanted to kill bugs, not play Hamlet With A Machinegun.
Get a grip on reality, and try to enjoy a video game for what it is, a game, not your life.