Read this review! It'll be a helluva lot more fun than playing the game. I guarantee.

User Rating: 2 | Starship Troopers PC
ZZZZZZZZ. Shrongk! Huh? What? Oh, hi there. I musta dozed off while reviewing this monumental pile of steaming crap: Starshi* Poopers. Sorry 'bout that. On with the review.

Gameplay: You shoot bugs. Except for a few tough spots it's like shooting fish in a barrel, only shooting fish in a barrel might actually be fun 'cause I ain't never done it before. This is the most insidiously monotonous and vapid game I've ever made the mistake of playing. That may seem like a contradiction, but is actually a paradox. The more bugs that rush you the more boring it gets. The bugs are nothing more than annoying pests for you to shoot. Stupid bugs! Yes, it's even more boring than Serious Sam.

Graphics: The sky looked kinda ok. Some of the bugs didn't look too bad.

Sound: Everything sounds weak. And there are glitches that make all the sound in the game turn into a high pitched whine that makes your ears bleed and you have to restart your computer to get it to stop!

Value: Hahahahaha!

Tilt: If you got this game for free, you paid too much for it.

The Good: Nothing

The Bad: Everything

Bottom Line: I could have done something useful with my time, like clip my toe nails or do the laundry, and I haven’t given myself a good scratchin' in at least a week, but noooo, I had to waste my time playing this trash because I paid for it, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let my hard earned scrilla go to waste. Blah!