I don't believe how underappreciated this game is.I'm hoping these are just mixed reactions not malicious undermining

User Rating: 8 | Starship Troopers PC
OK, I've read a few reviews on this game and people mostly complain about graphics, craches and boring missions.

I have to say that graphics are excellent but you gotta have the machine to support them. I am writing this review years after playing the game and I still remember liking the game quite a bit. I experienced no crashes, so crashes can be an individual thing and are no reason to give a bad review unless you see they happen to everyone.

As for the boring missions, well of course you;re gonna have tons of bugs you gotta kill and it does get a bit frustrating sometimes but that's the point of the game, there's billions of bugs and you can;t kill them all alone.

The missions are truly long and enemies and levels ideas are very interesting to say the least. You are a marauder and your missions vary in many many different ways, from defending a base to actually going "out there" to kills the pests. If you loved the film, you will truly love this game. I loved the film starship troopers although some bits were a bit over the top but all in all i absolutely loved it, because i like games and films with millions of brainless enemies.

Starship troopers 2 the film was for me really disappointing as it was completely static with nothing happening and could have been shot with two cameramen and 4 rooms.

Anyway this game is honestly underappreciated, and I'm assuming this might be because of some disappointed players who don;t give the game a 4 or 5 when disappointed but just give it 1. There are many worse games than this one and they for sure did get more than 3.8 instead of 1 or 2 that they deserve.

Personally, I was cautious when starting the game because of bad reviews, but I liked the film so much and love the idea of thousands of bugs and many different ways to kill them that I decided to give it a shot and I wasn't as all disappointed.

The game could have many and I mean many many improvements but they would be small ones, a tweak there and a tweak here, to push it up to 9. Major improvements would be needed to go beyond that but 9 is a pretty good mark I thinbk you'll agree.

However, as I said these small tweaks haven;t been done which is a shame since the game could have been a legendary one.

So, in all reality the game length is brillaint and there's days of playing which is unusual for a shooter. It would deserve at least 7.5 and I don't think it should possible go below that and even if you don't like the game, i don't think it can go below 5 for those who didn't like it.

Personally, I liked it and will give it 8 because I think it is a very very well done game, could have been better but I hope this is built upon and I hope the developers don't give up on an idea of a sequel just because of a few bad reviews. So, I will give it 8.

I even played some of the missions again and again because there are so many bugs and you just wanna kill as many of them before finishing a mission.

My marking system is as follows:

10 - Absolute Legend
9 - Must Be Played
8 - Excellent and Worth Your Time
7 - Worth playing if you have nothing else to play
6 - worh playing if you have nothing to play and are incredbly bored and have not got absolutely anything else to do. (Barely playable/enjoyable).

I don't give marks 1-5 as if a game starts sucking I don't finish it, so I only review the games that are barely playable (6) to the absolutely amazingly incredible ones (10)

I will also probably keep my reviews short as I don't like discovering too much about the gameplay. I only like to give my quick opinion and get on with life.

Best Wishes to everyone
