At last a well deserved game for the starship troopers movie, dont do it no favours though

User Rating: 5.5 | Starship Troopers PC
as soon as i heard about the upcoming release of starship troopers, i was ful of excitement and every hour of the day i was checking if some more news was released. finally after all the waiting i ran out and bought starship troopers, i thought to myself 'finally i can live the films' ( well the first one anyway). while i was installing i could remember all the little goodies that were SUPOSE to be in their, such as the cinamatiic deaths etc, at that point i jus couldnt wait. After installing and finally starting up the training mission i droped my jaw in disapointment.

first of all the gamplay, can be quite fun, but what really got up my nose was that i was a super human marauder who could take out a basic aracnid with about 4 or 5 shots from the marauder gun, i may be whinning but I WANNA BE A GRUNT!!! why the hell do i wanna be some over powered guy who has to go off solo all the time, it jus took away the atmousphere that you get from the first film, aracnids are suppose to be confronted by groups and even in a small group, bringing down one takes a **** load of shots, but this game had to go all halo didnt it!!!!
also another thing i didnt like, was the delayed reaction when you move the mouse or use the movement keys, which can make gameplay harder than its worth.
the last thing on gameplay i hated was how they tried to make their own story up, which really was jus coppied from the films, but instead they got all smart and changed the name of the planet your on. good job their.......not.
but other thatn that it was alright. oh and where the ....... was the cinematic deaths eh?? the fact is i could go on all day about this crap but its late so il move on.

graphics..... SST has some nice graphics to try and cover all that ****ty gameplay, but in truth, it carrys a few glitches. it seems the devs went all mad with the shiny effects lol, cus even rocks n stuff seem to be glossd up. Also the troopers faces are pretty dam ugly, bad modle work. other than that they good it going for em, bugs look god, MI gear etc.

the sound isnt really god at all, the bugs only make one type of noise, voic acting is poor, espectally johnny reco's little 2 second apperence. he was hanging on to somthing that just aint their imo. the best thing about the sound is some of the music taken from the films.

Multiplayers the worst, seriously ive never played somthing as perfetic as the online co op missions, good luck finding them is all i can say.

All in all this has been made by the wrong producers who clearly have no passion in SST so you end up with a buggy , **** game, that cant keep you interested, i mean im a pretty big fan, and it couldnt keep my attention, but i suppose it wasnt made to be a classic and i wasnt expecting that. i would of made it being based on the original film, allowing you to actually be the main character, as a grunt in a big conflict between bug and human.

very disapointed, i doubt noone will come to aid now, even if your a did hard fan, dont bother, all your get is greif.

'You dont do your job il shot ya myself' (blows hole through sst game)