Great fun, playing this game is a blast!

User Rating: 8.4 | Starship Troopers PC
Some people out there, mostly the people who have given this game a bad review just dont know the meaning of fun. How can shooting 200+ bugs to bits with an array of kick-ass weapons not be concidered fun!?

To start of i just want to say that this game really did exceed my expectations, hugely. At first the game seemed a little tame compared to other shooters on the market; but once i got into the action i was addicted to the non-stop slaughter of those damn pesky bugs. This game is incredably fun and always keeps you on the edge of your seat. The game is very very intense at times, this is because you get around 300 bugs charging towards you with the soul intent of ripping your guts out! This is some intense s**t my friends and it gets even more nerve racking when you find out that you have to kill them ALL!

The bugs in the game are very well rendered and are cleverly thought out. The models look great and are fun to shoot to bits. There are around 18 bugs in the game and each one has its own characteristics and abilities; this is a great way to keep you on your feet because you are constantly needing to change your stratergy for each type of bug.

The graphics in the game are alot better than i thought they were going to be. The enviroments often look great whilst the bugs themselves look amazing, especially the big ones. The only bad graphics in the game imo are the other troopers, they look a little crap and move kinda strangely for humans lol. The good thing about the other troops is that they have great things to say; they will often come out with jokes and funny quotes which lighten up the action at points. Some of the voice acting in the game is a little stale, but most of it is acceptable and some of it is really good.

Personaly im really not bothered about the movie footage crammed in before and after missions, because it gives the game an authentic Starship Troopers feel. There are a couple of cut scenes in the game which are pretty cool aswell.

Now about running the game. I have read alot of reviews saying that peoples computers can not run this game for a number of reasons.
I too found this a task at the beginning of the game, and do you know why this was? Because i hadnt downloaded any of the patches!
Once i had the patches installed the game ran fine, barely any problems at all.

I hope this review is enough to help some people make up their minds wether to buy this game or not. Personally i dont think you can go wrong with this game, esspecially if you are ST fan like me :D

Thanks for reading.