Great PC Game! Rating: 8/10

User Rating: 8 | Starship Troopers PC
I have no clue why GameSpot rated it a 3.8? Thats pretty mean.

Gameplay: Very repetitive, fun when you have barely any ammo and theres over 3 dozen of them trying to eat you, MI Friendlys are hopeless and seem to only rush to their deaths, not enough fun watching your friendlys getting killed (they should have made the bugs rip them apart and play with their limbs lol), what the hell is up with the darkness? rather its too bright or too dark, having armour with the health made the game seem to easy because you can easily pick them off from a distance. Gameplay overall is fine because the game was designed to overwhelm you, give you not just a taste, but a bowlful of what its like as a Mobile Infantry Grunt, except for your MI friendly's because I'm about 100% sure that they were chosen to fight bugs because they could...but they dont....very

Graphics: Environments are too plain and dont have enough texture to make them look like realistic terrain. Arachnid blood looks a hell of alot fake! Framerates drop when close to alot of bugs (download all patches to fix that). Bugs have a slick chrome texture added to make them look texture-rich. MI friendlys faces are really badly done. I once almost killed a friendly once because I saw his face and I fired at him becuase he looked scarier than the bugs LMAO! I like the idea of the bugs breaking through walls and ground. Overall the graphics (at maxiumum detail) look good.

Sound: The sound pissed the crap outta me! Bugs only had only 2 things to say and was repetetive, the MI friendlys were shouting and saying rediculous
comments during a bug battle and after and becomes annoying after a while because they repeat the same things. The guy in the radio that talks to you pissed me off because while your fighting for your life to survive he is calm and collected, and he thinks this is fun or something! Overall the sound sucks.

Artificial Intelligence: The A.I. is vary bad. There is only one tactic that your fellow combatants know: Kill anything that has more than 2 legs. Basically thats what you're doing throughout the whole game, but theres gotta be a bit more to make it fun right? WRONG. Your MI friendlys dont care if they die and dont get me wrong they're brave and all, but theres no point in going suicidal for no reason. They like rushing the bugs: They are slowing shifting forward towards them and firing with only a burst fire-rate (3 rounds). The Arachnids arent are a bit more stratagetic on the battlefield: Warriors and Tigers will gang up on one enemy, kill him and then advanced to the next target. However, if you happen to see a wave of bugs with at least 3 different kinds, then you're in a world of pain. Warriors + Tigers + Hoppers may give you a hard time: while trying to deal with alot of gound troops likes warriors that are perhaps weak in defense and tigers that are fierce, you are also watching out for those Hoppers you may come by and chop you into 2. Overall I'm disapointed about the fact that you have no other option(s) of playing as a different character or maybe even as an Arachnid.

Weapons: Not a whole great deal of weapons, even though they only showed 3 in the first movie. I think the sniper is useless. However the nuke gun is wicked! Both Mortika Rifles are awsome and the shotgun is somewhat aprehensive. Plasma gun? *nuff said*

Storline: hmmm....The storyline is more based on a command: "Kill anything with more than 2 legs" The voice acting is terrible. The objective of the game is repeated.

Value: Right now its out for 19.99$ Certainly worth buying if you are a great Starship Troopers fan and cant wait.

Tilt: Worth buying