good game with lots of bugs to kill but the AI is the real drag but a game that shooter and starships fan might like
Graphics: When I frist bought the game my comp or my dads comp could not handle the system requirements so that was a real drag. But luckily my friend just bought a new comp so i went to his just to play it. When I frist saw the graphics I was kind of disspointed because I thought with all the other games coming to the pc like call of duty2 and quake 4 with some nice graphics that starship troopers could have the same. I'm not saying the graphics were bad but the shades, darkness controled all the worlds that you travel in the game. Alot of the same colours were used in the worlds it wasn't bad becaues most of the worlds in starship troopers the moives were ethier night or a wasteland. The coloures of the bigger stronger bugs were good looking like the Royal Warrior bug.
Sound: I have two things to say about the sound. The sound of the grunts bad(when they are talking) It sounds they used two guys to do all the vocies for the grunts. But when grunts get attack with all the sceaming and yelling that kind of scared me because your walking though a wastland to hear all of this sceaming helps nothing better then hearing that. Also the gun fire sounded the same to me but that didn't stop me. My fav thing about the sound of the game is for the bugs. They was like only two sounds for each bug but there were really good it even scared my older brother.
Muiltyplayer: I found it hard to play with anyone on starship troopers with all of the bad reviews going on. So I just had to play with my friend. We took his bro's laptop and played togather. It was fun playing toghter killing bugs on the co-op levels on LAN. Standing side by side will hordes of bugs come from all sides and your blasting by the million.
Overall: Good game,nice graphics,sound somewhat of good muiltypayer but its a game That I think shooter fans should try out.( this was my frist review)