The book was awesome,the movie was cute, the strategy game was acceptable, the FPS goes on with the trend...
Gameply is absolutely boring. Sometimes the ammount of bugs you have to kill on a single spot without even moving is ridicoulous, and larger bugs take forever to kill without every putting you in serious danger. Thank god for the basic weapon of the game that doesn't run out of ammo! That means that for large bugs you'll run out of ammo in seconds and then pass half an hour spitting fire with your smallest weapon wondering when will the ordeal end. It's the first time ever that a FPS got me bored. I'm not kidding, I actually felt sick for looking at the same scenario, same bug, listening to the same weapon sound for such a long time. And speaking of weapons, there are less than ten (not bad right?) but three of them are exactly the same weapon with a different alt. fire! And it's not like SW republic commando where you put different attachements on the main weapon, it's actually three seperate weapons with individual ammo! (I have no ammo on my moritta with shotgun, better switch to my moritta with scope!).
If you even consider wasting money on this, run, run away as fast as you can and don't dare looking back!