Game Is great!

User Rating: 8.2 | Starship Troopers PC
All those other reviews are idiotic , i think this game is definatly worth it. The graphics are good , just because they dont look like freakin xbox 360 dosnt mean its bad , and the sound is disappointing but it makes up in the thrill of kicking some bug ass! Most of the reviews that posted bad reviews was probably because they cant afford a good computer and it runs like **** on theres , this game is for people with good computers and you cant say the game is crap because it dosnt work for you , the only thing that is crap is ur freakin computer! Anywayz its deffinatly worth trying but with the version i have you need a DVD rom to install and play so get that before using it. The game also includes online modes such as deathmatch and co-op so if u beat the game a couple of times go online and kick other players asses , this game is good and is definatly worth a try!