Even if you loved the movies, this one will break your heart...

User Rating: 4.5 | Starship Troopers PC
When i first saw the Starship Trooper movie i was fascinated!

Then, it came the 3D strategy game, and it was pretty hard, but it was great. Then, it came the second movie, which ivent seen actually, everybody tells craps of this movie, but i suppose that i finally going to see it anyway...

And then, ti came this... thing... that we may call game. To review this game particullary ive to take away all the excellent memories that ive from the movie and look at it ugly face in an objective way.

The Difficulty of the game is pretty normal, playing in normal mode, you´ll encounter some situations in which even your super armor can´t withstand the number power of the bugs, and will come across some **** situations when you´ve to protect someone else, but appart from that, its just right.

The gameplay its a strange one, for example, you have a "jump" key, but if when you jump you raise above the ground more than 15 cms its a miracle, it seem more like a complementary key thant an useful one. The another weird thing cames with the weapons; for example, you can kill normal araknid bugs with your plasma MK4 rifle of unlimited supply of ammo, but when a Tiger Araknid appear, you have to use some bullet weapon like the MK2, until this point, everything its allright, the weird thing came when you use a powerfulest weapon like the MK2 against normal bugs, and it takes more time and effort to kill them than the "normal bug designed rifle MK4", it seem like every weapon its specifically designed for a kind of bug. The missions are fun, a bit repetitive like youll expect of a Starship Trooper, but they give you the chance to kill THOUSANDS of bugs (literally). Its a nice idea to give you the role of a special unit, because the regular soldiers don´t last too much and are practically useless on the field.

When you go to the graphics department, you find a very old graphic engine with poor textures, repetitive and barely worked models and not much worked enviroments, but the WORSE of all, its the animation of the movement of the bugs, because when they are close you dont have much time to capture they moving, but when they are far you can see that their movements are like two photos alternating and they look like a shooting range picture of a bug that approaches to you moving in only two positions that flips.

The sound isn´t a thing from another world, the background music resembling the movies are just fine and its a great music to some moments of intense battles. The weapons sound are almost continuous from the moment you start to play, they give you a great sensation of a great battle.

Overall, you´ll have to love the movies and have a great passion for pulling continuously the trigger and enjoying the fact that you are hard to kill, and maybe you can overcome some major details of the game.