While Nintendo is often known for often sticking with reliable franchises to turn into video games, there have been occasions when Nintendo has deviated from their formula, and have released unique video game experiences, much like this one! In this video game, you play as an average teenage boy named Mike Jones (not the same Mike Jones who was in the 1980's band The Clash). His archaeologist uncle has gone missing, so Mike Jones goes on an epic adventure to find him! While this video game is similar in game-play to "Zelda II: the Adventure of Link", due to the fact that you travel on a map with an over the top view, but play through dungeons in a good-looking (by 1991 NES standards), 3-D type maze design! But this game is unique enough and quirky enough, to warrant a full video game play-through! The graphics are pretty amazing, and even approach early Sega Genesis levels at time (which is pretty impressive by NES standards), the music, sound, and controls are all solid, and while the controls may be slow by today's standards, they certainly make beating all the enemies and bosses more challenging, in that you can't just stand still and expect to beat bosses in a snap! This video game definitely paved the way for "Earthbound", due to the fact that Mike Jones actually starts off this game, armed with a yo-yo! But there are other weapons that Mike can collect and use in dungeons (unfortunately, he can't carry over any weapons that he finds in dungeons), but they are still useful and helpful in figuring out how to get through mazes, and solve tough puzzles! While this game is still a challenge, even on the Nintendo Switch, it is definitely worth it to play until the end, and end the evil rampage of the evil alien Zoda! This game definitely stands out as a true NES masterpiece, and I highly recommend it to anyone, looking for a unique NES video game experience! Enough said, true believers!
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