State of Decay is one of the most realistic zombie games I've ever played, although it has its flaws.
User Rating: 7 | State of Decay X360
When I first heard about this game, it was through a friend on Xbox Live who suggested I try it. The first downside I saw is that despite the awesome feel of the game, it had no coop, which would work perfectly in the game. I was also upset that the game was so bright & colorful (like many XBL Arcade games) when the sun is out, and there are no color/brightness/saturation sliders in the options. You also cannot change the sensitivity of aiming weapons, which I found odd due to the fact that there are supposed to be 99 different guns in the game. Despite the options being limited, this game has plenty of space to adventure in, and feels like how Dead Rising should've been executed. The cars are very powerful & effective ways to kill zombies, but they take away from the realism of the game because of how powerful they are, when compared to other methods of defeating enemies. The game's system of looting is just right, as it shows perfectly how just about anything can make noise, and how you must be careful & think about your actions. The fighting in the game could be fixed up a bit, as I grew tired of constantly having to finish off zombies with the same attacks. You just can't sit through stomping on hundreds of zombies, and feel the same level of excitement as you did the first time. Overall, the game is a good representation of how nobody is invincible in a zombie apocalypse, but fails to deliver with little features that when looked at as a whole, would've made this one of the best XBL Arcade games ever.