This game should be classified as a button masher not beat em up because that is about all this game is.
(-) ugly graphics, button mashing gameplay, seems repetitive after only playing one mode, bad camera, makes your fingers hurt after playing it, weapons are often harder to use than punches and kicks due to the camera.
State of Emergency was an old game but, that was no excuse for it having terrible graphics. This game barley even is a Playstation 2 game because it looks like an old arcade game. The gameplay isn't much better due to the bad camera and tons of enemies in chaos mode. In Chaos mode you try to get points from destroying windows and other things just not civilians. It keeps going until you die or when you turn the game off which ever comes first. The story mode is just doing missions which isn't fun neither.
There are only like four levels and six characters in this game but, there are plenty of weapons that you can pick up and use which doesn't save the game from being a failure. There are also cheats you can use to maybe play this for half an hour if you don't have any other decent games to play. I played each mode once and just quit because of the game being so boring and an eye sore to look at. I would not recommend this game to anyone because of its bad camera, terrible graphics, and boring gameplay don't let the cover art trick you into buying it.