Right up there with Shaq Fu
User Rating: 1 | State of Emergency PS2
Thank God I rented this! Then again it should have been given away for free. This is the worst game you could possibly imagine. There is no story, no game play, no graphics. Do yourself a favor and pick up a better game like tick tac toe, or count the stars in the sky...please anything is better than this. I don't even know where Rockstar went wrong. This game is like the left overs of Grand Theft Auto 3. It barely made it off the store shelf only being that it was made by Rockstar. The company that just made the most contraversial game since Elvis girated his hips. Every time I think about this miserable piece of trash I get angry...heck it's 2009 years! later and even to this day my blood boils just thinking about the time I brought this home from block buster and played it for the first time. Oh and you bet, I took this piece of trash back early!