A futuristic racer that you might want to avoid.

User Rating: 1 | StateShift PC
Take one portion of futuristic racer (like Megarace 3).
One portion of P.O.D.
One portion of graphics from the mid 90s.
One portion of sound from the early 90s.
Control from the late 80s. (Turbo Cup comes to mind)
and you have this game.

I "cry" for my $19.99 spent on this trash. The setting is alright, but everything else isn't. the control of the vehicle is bad, you can barely take a turn, it feels like a tank from the WW2. You lost most of your speed in corners, even though you only go at about 120KM/h to begin with and the tracks are very wide!

The design of the tracks are not bad.

The audio has some glitches and it is of lower quality than you would expect from a modern game.

The graphics are horrible. Terrible. The game runs at a fixed resolution, at best 800x600, not sure, but LOW. All edges are very sharp, not many curved structures. The textures are mostly 1-2 colours. Get Microsoft Paint, draw a square and fill it with a colour. Almost that bad.
I am not sure if the game uses even 256 colours at all times.

Tracks and sections of the game are locked till you unlock them by playing the Career mode. Even the tutorials are locked...how clever is that?

The game might have been acceptable (if not for the controls) in 1994-95, barely.

Save your money. Do NOT get this garbage.