Steel Battalion is the only game EVER to give you a realistic mech experience
User Rating: 9 | Steel Battalion XBOX
Very few games have even tried to do a mech game with a non standard controller and I don’t think ANY other did it without making the special controller optional until Steel Battalion. We have here a first person, in cockpit, action shooter that is very realistic and refreshing even for the obviously high price. The cut scenes are pretty well….. bad….. but the game itself is completely great despite not being able to save at all (other then replays) You start off as a rookie who hasn’t even started training in a real mech (fresh out of simulator training) when your base is under attack and your commander gets knocked aside and you see a prototype VT (vertical tank) and you decide you just have to take action…… your fight begins there in your very first Decider (a first gen. PRF mech) You play through 25 levels and 3 generations of mech vs mech, tank, infantry and plane combat that at times is very hard but also VERY realistic I would recommend not spending much time playing this and getting Steel Battalion Line Of Contact and playing that because it is much more fun.