i enjoy this game alot but it might not be the best i own. with a massive controller the learner curve is quite steep. if u want a great mech game then u better pony up the cash for steel battalion. but if u cant pony up the cash then u would be better off with a game like mech assult 2. one other major issue with steel battalion is the fact that once you die, the whole game is over, u have to restart from lvl one. another problem is actulay finding the game. i got mine when it first came out, but now its impossible to find. the only place to find it is ebay. if u acctualy own the gamethen definaltly get the sequel which is an online only version of the game. i own both and if u get pat the ipossible learning curve and insane diffuculty then this game is for you.
Steel Battalion, is a game that, only really dedicated gamers would really want to play. This game's 200$ price tag, that includes the massive 40-button controller, and the game itself. The game is great and is worth eve... Read Full Review
I can't get enough of this game and its controller. To have this game you need three vital parts. 1) the Xbox 2) Capcom 3) money to burn. I'm not saying I have money to burn but I did pick this game up I have not ever be... Read Full Review