Totally Dissapointing

User Rating: 6.4 | Stella Deus PS2
I had been looking forward to this game for months. I love turn based strategy games and anmie artwork. To see this rolled into one game was really exciting for me.

When i first started playing the game, i was quite impressed. Good graphics, good combat system (!!!!!!) and a decent story. All seemed great.

Then when you realise that the story based missions are that difficult to beat, even the fist set of missions are nigh on impossible to beat with all characters remaining, it becomes very frustrating , very quickly. The only way to get your characters to a decent level in order to beat the next mission is to go to the catacombs, which is basically a generic dungeon which you go up in levels, beating every stronger enemies. No story at all. Its like they realised that they made the game too short between each important plot in the game and thought hmm what can we do to make it longer? Its a very dull way to level up.

The combat system is not as intuative as id like. There are so many niggly things that make it a chore to find out information. Its also got a terribly vauge manual and tutorial. So much so, that when i was trying to figure out how to make team attacks (a big part of combat, win or loose), i actually couldnt find what it was that it required to do them. Gameplay - Average, too many niggly problems with the combat system, not enough information clearly presented to you as you fight, levelling up is kinda fun and the team attack moves are excellent and powerfull. Lots of powers and abilities to learn.

Sound - Music did nothing for me. Combat sounds and magic effects are sub standard, ive heard way better on games years older.

Graphics - Excellent graphics in game, i did not like the cutscence style but thats purely down to individual taste. I wish that when entering combat, the camera didnt zoom in, it makes the game far more pixelated and on a big screen like mine, it looks BAD! Characters looks awesome, all hand drawn animation, best point of the game for me!

Story - Good storyline, marred by countless trips to the catacombs (it doesnt even explain why you go there!).

Value for Money - Long game, worth the money, made longer due to the catacomb levels as you could slash probably half the game time of the game off you were just dong the story missions. Its a hard game, you will redo levels many times over, boss characters far too powerfull and can kill a charater in one turn, very frustrating.

Overall - TBS has many better games in the genre and overall id say you would be far better off saving your money and buying one thats got a better combat system and doesnt involve pointless, plotless grinding. You will find yourself frustrated by this game. I had high hopes for this game, the developers just didnt quite get there. I hope they make a second game, improving on the faults to this flawed game. It could be great. It isnt.