Gorgeous art direction adds something same old tactical RPG grind
User Rating: 7.5 | Stella Deus PS2
Unfortunately, I wanted to like this game a great deal more than I actually did; the art direction is stunning and one of the things that initially drew my attention to the box. Gameplay is fine for what you need in a tactical RPG and the graphics, while fuzzy, do add a nice element to the world. Monster and character design probably added about two points to my overall score because I just liked them.
My biggest gripe about the game is that, in order to advance the story, one has to pour hours into grinding levels in the dungeon. This game came out in 2006 but the overall playablility reminds of playing Vandal Hearts for PS1.
Overall, if you have hours to spend leveling up your little group of exquisitely designed characters then you will love this game.