Try to get rid of the apathy of the playing an apathic game?

User Rating: 4.5 | Stella Deus PS2
Now, this game is sometimes called the FFT successor for the PS2, and just because it is a SRPG it could be,but that's all about it, this game has some neat animations, characters are greatly designed and animated,the story is from so-so to boring.
Playing SRPG's is fun for people who like to play real Chess OR people interested in good stories,if you like Srpg no matter what, then you may like this game,if you are looking for some nice game with a nice story to kill some time, this is not the game for you. Apart from the visuals this title offers nothing much,theres not a real hook in the game to keep you interested in playing every single battle to know what happens next,battles can be fun for srpg's fans but the fact that youre always under leveled in the main battles,forces you to constantly go to the "training center" (Catacombs) wich are sooo boring,from there you can level up as much as you want,but then you'll get overpowered and the battles will be VERY easy to win,this will trap you in a circle of boredom where youll be forced to level up for each battle, but you'll want to play more than a single battle in a row for the story to move on so you'll get overpowered to do so and battles will be easy until you face more over powered enemies,starting the circle again.
The worst thing about the game is definitely the Voice Acting,I mean, it is not bad, its is REALLY bad,it makes the game feel dull, not just because the plot hasn't anything interesting,but also because the voices are very very emotionless,while listening to the main character's voice (Spero) you can picture a guy sitted in a chair just reading a peace of paper at 3 am,it is very bland and dull,making the character feel the same way (nothing good for an adventure game) most of the character voices are the same way,its not like hearing amateurs in progress, its like hearing boring people filled with apathy reading text over text over text again and again,this is such a bad point for the game.
The plot is nothing special and wont hook you nor will get you interested in whats going to happen next.
For the Class/Job system, there are some great options to costumize your characters in almost any aspect, but to level up each class, you'll need an spesific item for each class, so unless you get it, you wont be able to level up the characters,just to costumize their stats.
You will face the fact that getting more characters( there are plenty) wont help at all in the game since you'll be constantly using and playing with the main characters because they're the most powerful,so trying to get and level up each character will be a waste of time, you even wont be able to use every main character of the story, so leveling them up will be a waste of time as well.
I really tried to like this game, I played night after night but at the end the feeling of wasting time in a sensless story/game beated me,you can easily avoid this game or just pass it and you wont be missing anything at all.