DISASTROUS is just not enough to describe this horrible game

User Rating: 1 | Stella Deus PS2
My gosh what a horrible, horrible game, can anybody make a more lame and boring game? I don’t think so, stella deus has manage to become one of the worst game on the ps2 if not thE worst.
An RPG is supposed to be fun with a good story to tell, and they fail telling it, why? because the voice actors make me want to puke, how is it possible the main character Spero had the worst voice actor ever to narrate the story of stella deus or any other story in the history of games. None of the characters has a nice voice to listen, at least not to be motivated to go on with the misery.
The game play….The battle system, well is nothing special, one very important thing about this game concerning battle system and game play is that right after the beginning of the game, and I mean like the second important fight, you have to start leveling your characters to manage that battle and all the ones to come, and for that you are introduced to the nightmare of dungeon leveling, the only way to level beside the story battles, and that is to go to a dungeon that goes from floor 1 to who knows maybe infinite, in an increased level of difficulty, and every single floor is the SAME!, so are the enemies, there is so little variation in each level that this is one of the main things that makes stella deus so unbearable and boring to deal with.
I got this game almost at the same time as a friend of mine, so we start playing, and he threw it away almost at the beginning of the game, I should have listen to him, because I had faith that it would improve through the course of it. I made it through like the 90% of the game, so I know what happens, and I was getting really mad because nothing changed since the beginning, everything remained as tedious as ever. And with the same freaky enemy clones (the same as the dungeons) everywhere through the story battles and the same unbearable voice acting, I got finally a revelation when my brother came in to my room to see what I was doing, and stayed to see 1, only 1 fight of stella deus, and he said, “damn you are really bored if you are “playing” this”. And that was it, it came to me, “this game is crap, a waste of precious time”. AM not even going to recommend you to rent it, don’t buy it’s not worthy, I just can’t understand how it has such a nice review from others users, I just can’t…

The BEST BEEEST thing you can do with a game like Stella Deus: The gate of Eternity is to erase its game save data to have more free available space on your memory card for other games that do matter.