Summer 96, i got this game at a swapmeet for twenty dollars. All I can say is "this was an awesome game in its time", It had a corridor take in RPG gameplay. That is a big deal. It is used in games to this day (elder scrolls), i couldn't believe how few the fanbase was, however. My favorite part was the fairy players, though most thought them to be annoying. I have seen fallout resurrected by bethesda but why dont they reach out for a stonekeep redux or sequel. I think it has been a long time coming. Actually, I think it would be appropriate for Bethesda to pay back the game that broke some new ground in their favor. Wishing to see this again. I leave you, the gaming populous with this, "Roses Down and Twice Around!". S
It's a miracle this game ever got released because it had been delayed so many times, but I for one are glad Interplay finally released it. The graphics in the game were supposed to be top notch but because of the del... Read Full Review
This game really introduced me to gaming. It was amazing the idea of being an adventurer in Stonekeep. The opening video really set the scene and brought the game to life. The endless quests, riddles, secrets and monster... Read Full Review