You walk and you kill, no more expectations

User Rating: 6 | Stranglehold PC
The new advancements in graphic cards and rendering technology needs to be used by game developers. Stranglehold did this by developing a high quality graphic game. In the game you play a Hong Kong cop which goes through adventures to find his wife and daughter. It is fair to say that Stranglehold is much like Gears of War. The main difference is their action genre. Stranglehold used real weapons and real characters but Gears of War instead employed sci-fi firearms and beasts. In fact the graphics are incomparable. The graphics in Stranglehold is awesome. Every object in the seen can be moved. You can tear apart a building column by shooting at it. Everything looks realistic.

You also have slow-mo features which was earlier introduced in Max Payne. you can slow down time to have more accuracy or dodge bullets. you also have four special abilities which can be used during combat. These abilities are heal, precision aim, rapid fire and spin attack. The mixture of these actions with normal movements gives you a great game experience.

The drawback is that there is no special tactics involved. Enemy comes in front of you and start thing is predictable. Enemies shooting at you. The AI is very poor. The enemies do not use cover much and only stand in front of your character and shoot at you. This is how the game starts to become boring. If the developers focused more on some game semantics rather than high graphics, I think they could develop more interesting game