IT is well worth it
User Rating: 8.5 | Stranglehold X360
i bought stranglejold nowing it would be a good game i downloaded the demo from live i was addicted to it if its a shame ther is only 7 chapters though only spent 8 playing it but it is fun going through it again eay 650 gamrscore at it if its like max payne but 10 times better you are inspector tequlia good cop bad cop you decide and the environments are totaly destructable its very rareley that something doesnt shatter break explode and 1 more thing there could be more weapons the weapons are 2 pistols as standard,2smgs,2goldenpistols,shotgun,assaultrifle,heavymachine gun,rpg,and your fists once youve got no more ammo so if you like fast pased running about all over the place interactive shooters i recommend this game highly or if you like max payne if its over £22 its not worth it its wort £18 to me thats a reasonable price to rap it up my score is a 18.5