Great graphics, gameplay seems great at first, but then it's repetitive. I found it full of bugs, the game crashes
I think that Max Payne inspired this game, becuase of bullet time.
But Max Payne is simply better, a more stable game system, gameplay.
I suggest that one should rent it first, then buy it, becuase at first it may seem great if the bugs that I faced, aren't faced, but it sure feels like repetitive.
If you like it, I surely suggest Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, you'll simply love it, for it's the inspiration for this game becuase I think that after 4 yrs after the release of Max Payne 2 it's still highly suggested and I think that everyone suggests to play it.
The Specs that are shown, shouldn't be so problematic with my laptop, becuase my specs meet with those of the game, but still I face the bugs. I regret that I bought it for this reason becuase I got upset and uninstalled, and please, don't accept the excuse of "the latest drivers for your graphic card", becuase I played 2002 like Silent hill 2 & ominusha 3 & call of duty 2 among others and more recent than that and later games like resident evil 4, games which are the same release time of this one like Kane & Lynch and Call of duty 4, and 2008 games which are released after Stronghold, like Assasin's Creed, Quantum of Solace, Devil May Cry 4 & Alone in the Dark, in which I didn't find such bugs & problems! So if you're worried about having problems about it, like bugs rent it first, before you buy it, believe if you don't do so, you might regret it.
If I would make a suggestion to the game developers I would like to say this:
The delivery of this game isn't that great, simply try something else a bit better, with better ways and innovative ideas, for what you did in the game play is copied a great game, with better graphics becuase it's later released, diferent storyline and good envirnoment gameplay use. I think that if you keep the good environment gameplay and the graphics part, and do something less buggy (in my opinion), you would do better. This game had a great potential but didn't happen.