Loaded with tons of action and cool gameplay. It's not perfect, but it is really fun!
User Rating: 8.5 | Stranglehold (Collector's Edition) PS3
This game has what many games don't, fun gameplay. Unfortunately, that's the only thing this game has. The action is fun but get's repetitive, and enemies come out from no where and start blasting; sometimes you'll have a hard time wondering where they are. Luckily you get a lot of health packs, and style points that allow you to use it as health or special moves. The story wasn't so bad either, and the different environments for each level is awesome. However, this game didn't have that "next gen" feel to it. It felt like a ps2 game with better graphics. I hope they make a Stranglehold 2 because this game was a lot of fun, but wasn't perfect. A lot could have been added into this game to make it one of the best, but it still ranks as one of my favorites because it's simply just fun to play. Lot's of action with nice graphics and interesting special moves. There's also multiplayer options as well. The demo doesn't show it's entire potiential so if your not sure about it, then rent it and then decide if you wanna buy it.