A True Developers Marvel!!! Life Altering!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Street Cleaning Simulator PC
As the likes of many of our top video games have become shallow, repetitive, boring or just overly dull (Skyrim, Halo, Zelda, Dark Souls, Rage, Uncharted) STREET CLEANING SIMULATOR comes crashing in to sweep all of those pieces of garbage out of the way on its ultimate claim to GAME OF THE YEAR!!
Imagine if you will driving the mean streets of some random neighborhood cleaning and maintaining inner cities as you build a better life for you, your ex-wife, and children. This is a job to dirty for even the likes of Batman or Superman to handle.
Game Play: You take the place of an under appreciated superhero who go's out and fights the deadly elements to make sure YOUR neighborhood is a safe place to raise your kids without the threat of the bubonic plague or Eosinophilic meningitis from unsanitary streets and the pestilence that might gather in them. At average a street cleaner cleans approx 40 miles a day and you will feel every mile of it (Taken from the Municipal Journal and public works but seems really high.) That's enough clean square footage to make even the greatest super hero jealous!!! There has NEVER been a more realistic and precise simulator. With the making of this virtual gem Excalibur is sure to win Military contracts to work on their flight and fighting simulators IT'S JUST THAT GOOD!!! This virtual presentation is brought to you in high def but looks like its 2160i that's twice the amount of 1080i!!! (If you can even fathom that). This is the only game to ever make me shed a tear at the sheer attention to detail and story telling prowess that is Street Cleaning Simulator. I found the level "Clean Gravel from the Gutter" to be my favorite. I have an all time best time on this level of 79 hours.
Will you keep the streets safe for kids to play in? Will your job be safe in this economy? Will you have another child out of wedlock? Only you can answer these questions (They will not be answered in the game)...This should have a hardened edition
I only wish It didn't end.