If you're a struggling game developer this game gives hope, because it encourages you where they failed
this targets obscured market but for some reason seems great trainning tool.
As i stated if you're either game developer in ahny form? student, pro, or hobbiest this reinforces you that there's hope becuase no person in their right mind would make game like this, while all objects pallets, scenary seem good they are simply implemented in way where talent has gone wasted.
Graphics: they seem ok if you enjoy game developement but if you're a (cunsumer) lol looking to buy simply as game then it's garbage unless utilized right.
Multiplayer: none
Cons: everything in this games wrong and it's shame telent like this self mutilated it's self but brings hope since you will always make game better where they failed.
Pros: nice looking game but only from stand-alone point view, great trainning tool tho if street cleanings your thing.