4 of the best street fighter games put into one, with a all new street fighter game super gem fighters

User Rating: 9.3 | Street Fighter Zero: Fighter's Generation PS2
The Street Fighter seris still remain as the best 2D fighter ever. Alpha Anthology is a collection of all the Street Fighter Alphas put in to one. Steet Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2 , Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold , Street Fighter Alpha 3, and a whole new street fighter game , Super Gem Fighters a comedy version of Street Fighter. Hardcore fighting fans will love this game and if u are a Street Fighter fan u need to buy this, everyone should really. I mean the several of the best 2D fighting game ever put into one. That is one hell of a deal .Feautering all of your favorite characters Ryu,Ken,Sagat,Akuma,Bison and much more.