Forget DOA-this is the ULTIMATE fighting game!

User Rating: 8.6 | Street Fighter Anniversary Collection XBOX
It annoys me when people say that Street Fighter can't possibly compete with the competition because it is 2D. Let me tell you this-Street Fighter doesn't compete with the competition-IT BLOWS IT AWAY. Forget about the fact that it might not have the best graphics. It has the best gameplay a fighter could ever wish to have. Softcore fighting fans need not apply, this is for the hardcore only. Sure, Street Fighter 2 is definetly showing its age and you probably will only play it for nostalgia value. Street Fighter 3 is where its at. Choose your character then practise to death with them-that is the only way you will survive the online ranks. I made the mistake of going online as soon as I got the game. I chose Ryu and acted as if I owned the world-then got beat 20-0. Like I sais, if you aren't willing to put the time in then this isn't for you. But if you are, I think you've found yourself a new favourite game...