Will another fighting title ever achieve true Street Fighter Magic.
User Rating: 9.5 | Street Fighter Anniversary Collection XBOX
In the world of games there are many, and in the world of fighting games there is too. Though not all fighting games are instant classics, few really are. Street Fighter has been crackin since the mid 80's and hasnt evolved at all since the late 90's. As far as the classic its fully intack with the anniversary collection in all of its classic glory. For those who dont know the history of Street Fighter here is a crash course. Dispite what you may or may not know there is a version of Street Fighter (one) though not on this game. Its a really really outdated fighting game where you can play as Ryu or Ken ONLY and take on some similar and not similar characters from the Street Fighter Series. Sagat is the boss in this installment though most are used to Bison being his superior. As for Street Fighter 3, I feel this is the NEWEST Street Fighter of them all though thats not chronologically true its just in my opinion the best. This game took everything great (accept character selection), and added new fighting systems and updated the graphics to make easily one of the greatest fighting games of all time. This game does not have the graphics or anything that a new fighting game might have but in no way is this game outdated...my personal HIGHEST recommendation for Fighting game fans.