The newest Street Fighter game that's not a remake or a compilation.
Gameplay: Even though this game is in 3D the classic Street Fighter gameplay remains pretty much the same. Although the gameplay is a little slower. And why is there no stidestepping. Overall the gameplay is still good. Rating: 7/10
Graphics: These graphics are pretty good for one of the first PS2 games ever but it's a little blocky. Still the graphics aren't nearly as bas as some people make them out to be. Rating: 8/10
Sound: You have the basic punching and kicking sounds. Some of the music is pretty cool but not very "Street Fighterish". Rating: 8/10
Value: Think this game is so easy? Try playing on the highest difficulty level and also try to collect the trophies and say that again. Well anyway you do get some unlockable characters and the new tag system is nice but overall the replay value is a little lacking for some reason. Rating: 7/10
Tilt: I heard this game is rare but if you want this game I suggest looking on online gaming shops or in big game stores such as Gamestop. This game seems to only appeal to Street Fighter fans such as myself. Rating: 9/10
Overall rating: 7.9/10