1- It seems to be harder now for some reason but it's cool, it IS possible to beat the game (I've donez it twice!)
2- The dang elephants on Dhalsim's stage are annoying as crap!!
3- It's a little hard to get into a server. Like you get into a ranked match or quarter match it can be a lil tricky but it IS possible to get into a match:D. So yeah they probably need to come out with a patch for that later I guess...
4- Finally....well this is VERY minor but the music doesn't sound the same as I remembered it, it sounds very diffrent
So yeah this is some very minor stuff, the game is AWESOME and I'd recommend ya playing it because it's the bombdiggidy foo'!! the online is great, the single play is bug-free (but hard) and most of all, it's very very fundizzle^_^