Street Fighter at it best!
I would say perfect! What to say here really?
Controls, you can change them to suit you and your combos! So they are great!
Story = 5/10
Uhm... The cut scenes for the story are D'oh! I'd rather to play the game without the story to be honest! but they are not a push back for the game. Play the game, but don't look forward the stories of the characters.
Graphics = 9/10
You'd love them! The inky drawing and visuals are epic! The characters design is super and the stages are good as well!
Sound & Music = 8/10
For the opening, it's a hit or miss for you! But for the stages, it's really impressive! especially the volcanic rim!
Lasting = 10/10
Fight, Fight, Fight... then Fight again and again and again! First, you have to get all characters, unlock all of them. Then play ONLINE against other players! What more there is!!
Overall = 9/10
One of the best Street fighters and one of the best fighting games ever! If you're into fighting games... it's a must for you!