Great Game , great multi
The multiplayer experience its the ace in the sleeve here, an unexpected surprise, its easy and fast to find battles. The only gaming is fast paced as well as enjoying, but you may get tired of seeing your opponents selecting the same characters over and over (it seems that people really love ryu and ken) .
Now we` ll take a look at the difficulty, the game has may difficulty options, it goes from Easiest to Hardest . As for the arcade mode most characters are easy to ok to beat even on Hardest, but some characters in the later difficulties can be REALLY CHEAP.It will be really annoying to beat those characters until you get the hang of the game.But overall arcade mode is not very hard.
--Arcade: The best part with arcade is to play with each character and see their storyline. The small clips are fun, not really deep but fun.
Now "Challenge mode" the real reason why i choose this game as "very hard". There is a series of challenges: Time Attack , Survivor and Trials. The first two have 20 stages on Normal and 5 on Hard, the last one has 5 stages on each.
-- The Survivor stages are very difficult, on hard they require you to beat 40 opponents recovering 30% live form battle to battle and your opponents even have benefits over you.
-- Time attack can be really annoying as sometimes you`ll have to start with less time than the time you`ll have to finish.(you get X second from battle to battle).
-- Trials are the hardest of the 3, by much. It seems that the regular control was not made to beat this mode, even if some have managed to do it, it`s almost impossible as you have to be really quick and it seems that the regular control does not respond that fast.
SPOILER: If you use Zangief`s both Survivor and Time attack can be really easy. SPOILER
Overall: the game is great with some downfalls, the graphics are beautiful, lots of stuff to do after finishing arcade mode, the theme music is really fun and it fits the game, online multiplayer is the best part here.The few problems are the,sometimes , cheap AI and Challenges difficulty.
Fighting game fans should try it, but if you`re not a fighting game fan and do not plan to play online stay away form this tittle as it wont last long.
8.5---if you`ll play it online. 7-- if you wont. Yeah it that great.