It might be charming at first, but after a few hours you might realize that it was a real waste of money.
Gameplay: 2/10
2D fighting really isn't as fun as it used to be. Not after games like Tekken have introduced us to a style of playing that is far more intricate. The fact that none of there characters has more than just a few tricks, and that these tricks are nearly impossible to perform, doesn't make it any better. To me it ended up being a pure button-mashing game. The different characters storylines was another disappointing aspect. Are they made this bad just to remind us of Street Fighter 2 (which also has a bad storyline)? I also hate the fact that if you lose one single battle it will take at least one minute before you can start a new one because there is no way to just continue. Instead you have to choose your character again, wait for the loading again and... Let's just say that it is a lot of waiting if you lose. So don't lose!
Graphics: 4/10
The characters looks great. I love the fact that they have kept the inhuman muscles. It looks like SF2. Which is also a bad thing since this game is many generations newer than SF2 and it could ahve looked sooo much better (without necessarily loosing the SF2 charm for that reason).
Sound: 10/10
All in all it is a bad game with good music. Rent it and have fun with it for an hour. Then return it and never think about it again!