Great feeling like a kid again without having your pockets full of change Street Fighter is back ;)

User Rating: 9.5 | Street Fighter IV X360
Think I was 11 when SF2 came out and that game blew me away, was wasting money at the arcade and feeling like a king everytime I used Ryu's hadouken to finish someone off.
And allthough I loved SF3 third strike that game did not impress just as much as SF2 did.

So Street Fighter IV did the game deliver ? yes it did and more.
First of all I am glad to see that they had most of characters from SF2 in this game and a couple of new ones my favourite being Rufus Fat Bastard's marcial arts cousin(get in my belly).

All the SFII fans will feel right at home only problem is that the 360 controller can be annoying to play with and getting the combo you want at the right time can be a little difficult, so getting another controller is highly reccomended for that real Street Fighter experience.

And my reason is for not giving this game a full 10 is that it is really hard to play ,seriously been mostly playing in hard mode but even the easiest mode can be really difficult at times.

And this game might scare of the casual players and all that remains is the hardcore players wich I think is a little sad because I like playing this game casualy.