Street fighter is good in everyway accept for one that really kills most of the game.
User Rating: 8 | Street Fighter IV (Collector's Edition) PS3
Street fighters graphics, sound, multiplayer are all really good. And so are the mechanics of the game for the most part. The one problem or actually two problems i had with the game really suck alot of the fun out of it. First its the blocking. It sucks. You have to press the opposite direction of which your opponents at and its really annoying. You do kind of get used to it i guess but it would be way better if it was just a button. (keep in mind i haven't really played the arcade ones that much and have mostly played the virtual fighter and tekken series). The second thing that really bugs is in the trial mode where you get to practice all the different types of moves. All the signs are really confusing and one literally looks like a penis. Unless you but the guide witch is another 20 bucks, its really hard to make out what they want you to do, especially on the more complicated moves like the specials. For some characters its easy like Ryu and Sagat. But then for Vega its really hard to understand and see the controls and mechanics that they want you to input for the move. Overall though not bad of a game. Blanka is definitely the best character.